Sep 14, 2022Liked by Blaise Lucey

Dhoreena's illustration is 🔥🔥🔥 too! We the people want more Lucey-Lucey collabs 🙏

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Blaise Lucey

Vonnegut is an endlessly fascinating figure. I think surviving the Dresden fire-bomb apocalypse with his body, soul, and mind intact gave him an absurdist God's-eye view of our species; he seems constantly caught between the impulse to make us love each other, and the knowledge that the whole project's futile. And the man was prescient as all hell. What is modern life but addiction to tech conveniences, coupled with revulsion at their downstream effects?

"Welcome to the Monkey House" has some classic short stories along with good Vonnegut esoterica if you're interested - I'm planning on using it and a Bradbury collection I got from Carla's dad extensively when we study sci-fi and speculative fiction in Creative Writing this year.

Great prose plaudits are in order for "handy stiletto of an argument" 👏👏👏

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