The predictions might have been embarrassingly wrong, but you might want to fix the title of this post. Thanks for revisiting the way the world looked ten years ago.

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“Make growing audiences an act of art in and of itself” is a tremendously inspiring challenge for all of us, and a lovely thought to carry into 2023 with me. Thank you.

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Thanks for this! The stats are eye-opening. Very interesting that books are getting longer, especially since every agent I encountered decreed, without ever looking at it, that my historical novel was too long at 150,000 words. Their reasoning was that bookstores and readers won't take a chance on longer books by debut authors. I can't imagine word count or an author's name recognition determining what I read.

Then again, I don't think they care much about reader preferences. You nailed it when you said: "The modern publishing philosophy is a mutation caused by ivory tower radiation, a belief that adaption to the way readers read is far from as important as making sure specific themes and messages are expressed in every book."

Happy New Year!

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