⚠️ Great Prose Alert ⚠️ on "address an aspirational audience of amorphous asocial anti anti-heroes." Love when you work alliteration like a speedbag.

I suspect your efforts to entrap Gen Z in the great works of the Western Canon with rizz-centric slang will be received as pandering, but in case you're onto something, allow me to follow suit in reviewing: this piece had some bussn nuggets of wisdom, Sigma. On god no cap. Your gift for pull quotes evinced a true God Tier, secure-the-bag grindset. It's giving hard work and insight. You truly ate, and left no crumbs 👏👏👏

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Yaaaas, I was trying to go full Ohio on it.

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Go off, King 🤴🏼

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Blaise Lucey

Great Job Blaise!

This is a nice blend of the old and new and an excellent interpretation. I understand (from an in house expert) that The Prince was intended as a real political philosophy dedicated to Lorenzo De Medici. This post reminds me of your post "Digitally Remastered Classics" which led to some household discussion and always stuck in my head. Very interesting and enjoyable.

Just a note: The last time that I was in the local book store I mentioned how I liked Leif Enger's latest book and to my surprise the very young sales clerk had just read it and loved it. So here we are generations apart discussing the same book. There is hope yet.

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Love to hear that Digitally Remastered Classics inspired some conversation! Interesting to hear that The Prince should be taken at face value. Makes it even more interesting!

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